Passionate about making exporting successful 

Création de la société
+ de 0
Clients accompagnés
+ de 0
Pays desservis
+ de 0 %
de Développements réussis


An International development organisation based in France, with a world-wide network of operational partners. Consult Plus has worked since 2003 with businesses from a range of sectors, supporting their aspirations for expansion in France and internationally.

IC+ comprises a team of engineers from multi-disciplinary backgrounds, experts from numerous business sectors and specialist export executives. These professionals deploy their extensive expertise to support you in developing the optimal strategy to accelerate your access to target markets whilst controlling your costs and limiting your risks.

IC+ will work with you on the ground to put in place the most pertinent local solution for your target market.

IC+ has a significant network of senior executives in Europe and can also offer its expertise to organisations outside Europe who want to establish themselves there.

Our Services

No wind is favourable to a sailor who does not know what port he is making for.

(Seneca, Letters to Lucilius)

Strategic Advice

  • Diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business: commercial flexibility, logistical capacity, responsiveness, adaptability and competitive advantage of products, human and financial resources, regulatory compliance
  • Selection of countries for priority targeting
  • Evaluation of potential: market analysis, competitors, risks
  • Choice of business model in situ: direct sales, export business, brand agency, franchise, bureau de representation? local branch? licensed producer, production or distribution partner, commercial/industrial subsidiary
  • Construction of the offer: products, services, market positioning
  • Action and resource planning

Operational Assistance

  • Identification and selection of direct clients, importers, distributors
  • Support with contract drafting
  • Tracking calls for tenders, support with contract specifications and contract drafting
  • Logistical and compliance support
  • Assistance with recruitment and training of export or international partners
  • Management of cultural interface
  • Project management

Identification of funding sources

  • Development of Business Export Plans
  • Support in dealing with regional, national and European organisations providing financial aid to firms wishing to expand internationally
  • Drafting of finance/funding documents
  • Export related activity: insurance prospection, BPI loans, regional aid
  • Innovation: CIR, CII, BPI loans, European mechanisms

Establishment of Businesses outside the EU

  • Management of projects relating to the establishment of commercial and industrial subsidiaries. Feasibility study (development, acquisition, merger…)
  • Securing investors
  • Support for the development of partnerships and/or subsidiaries
  • Due diligence
  • Negotiation of complex contracts (Joint Venture, technology transfer, patent reassignment)

Implantation de sociétés étrangères en France et en UE

  • Assistance réglementaire.
  • Gestion de l’interface culturelle.
  • Recherche de partenaires (industriels, commerciaux).
  • Recherche d’investisseurs.
  • Due Diligence.
  • Appui au montage des partenariats et/ou des filiales.
  • Aide à la négociation des contrats.



  • Initial training or professional development
  • Development of tailored training for individual clients
  • Off the shelf training programmes
  • Support for the establishment of schools and educational organisations abroad
  • Development of partnerships between schools, and French and international training /education organisations.

Expertises sectorielles

Nos clients vont de la TPE à la multinationale, évoluant majoritairement dans des secteurs innovants ou à fort contenu technologique.


Automotive, Ferroviaire, Aéronautique, Automatismes...


Energie, Machines spéciales , Composants, Assemblage , Eclairage, Moniteurs...


Télécoms, Électronique,
RFID, Informatique, Robotique, Capteurs, Bancs d'essais et simulation, Nanotechnologies, Déposition sous vide ...


Composites carbone, Textiles techniques, Résines, Plasturgie, Oxydes transparents conducteurs ou non, Métaux spéciaux et alliages, Sidérurgie, Fonderie, Forge, Usinage, Traitements de surface...


Motorisation, batteries embarquées , hydrogène (PAC/FC), Réseaux et stockage, transformateurs, panneaux et systèmes solaires...


Chronolocalisation, UAV, Avionique, Drones terrestres, Mobilité tactique...

"FMCG" (biens de
consommation courante)

Hygiène, Cosmétiques, Parfumerie, Agroalimentaire, Son-Vidéo...


Négociation internationale, Stratégies d’internationalisation, Management interculturel, Directions d'équipes pluriculturelles, Stratégie marketing, Processus de ventes complexes...

Expertise géographique

Régions où l’un des associés d’IC+ bénéficie d’une expérience supérieure à 15 ans et d’un réseau qualifié d’experts sectoriels et de décideurs.





Middle East

IC+'s network of partners

Our references

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